NEXGEN Cabinet Doors In Tafisa Karisma Colours

NEXGEN cabinet doors in Tafisa Karisma colours are less affordable than other NEXGEN collections, but have more profile options.

Four NEXGEN cabinet doors in Tafisa Karisma colours.

It’s essential to continually expand your product line to stay relevant in a constantly changing market. But how can you ensure you’re not adding a low-quality product that might disappoint your customers? 

You landed on this article because you wonder if NEXGEN cabinet doors are a good or bad option for your clients.

At Cutting Edge, we have extensive experience with NEXGEN cabinet doors. We have worked with NEXGEN products from various suppliers for over five years. Throughout this time, we’ve gathered valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the NEXGEN products.

Keep reading to learn:

NEXGEN™ Cabinet Doors Are a Wrapped Product With an MDF Core

After years of development, Olon Industries Inc. trademarked the NEXGEN™ product line in 2016. The trademarked NEXGEN product has a shaped MDF core with a decorative TFL or laminate wrap around the exterior.

An infographic showing how the MDF core of NEXGEN doors is wrapped by polyester and TFL.

Olon Industries Inc. typically collaborates with Tafisa® and Uniboard® to offer a range of colours, patterns and textures.

However, in the last few years, Tafisa® has begun producing a new product similar to the NEXGEN product – their Tafisa Karisma® collection.

The Karisma collection looks like the NEXGEN products. However, instead of using a TFL or laminate wrap, Tafisa uses a paper wrap to help reduce their costs. This construction method makes the Karisma collection unique within the industry.

The Supplier and Collection Affect the Price of NEXGEN Cabinet Doors

Although you now know why the Karisma collection is unique, you might wonder why this article focuses specifically on one collection. Wouldn’t it be easier to address the basic information about all the collections at once?

Unfortunately, that is not the case.

First, each supplier prices their products differently and has a wide range of products. Within that range of products, they have separate groups (or collections) of similar products. Usually, each of their collections has different pricing.

Therefore, it is simpler to look at either one supplier, one collection, or similar collections in a single article. This focus allows you to find the most helpful information as easily as possible.

So, in this article, you will learn about the Tafisa Karisma collection specifically.

Tafisa Intends the Karisma Collection to Be Easy to Buy and Sell

Before you dive into why the Karisma collection is easy to purchase, you need some background information.

To reduce its operating costs and improve its factory efficiency, Olon Industries Inc. puts a minimum order quantity on each of its products. This minimum order quantity can range from material for 55 cabinet doors to material for 600 cabinet doors.

As you can imagine, the minimum order quantity makes it difficult for suppliers to stock Olon’s products. 

Tafisa noticed this pain point and set out to eliminate it.

By producing the Karisma collection in-house, they can (and have) reduced the minimum order quantity. Instead of having to order enough material for 55 cabinet doors each time, suppliers now only have to order enough for 24 doors.

The reduced minimum order quantity allows suppliers to offer each product colour in every profile. However, it also increases the cost because it reduces Tafisa’s efficiency.

Characteristics of NEXGEN Cabinet Doors in Tafisa Karisma Colours

Now, what are the unique attributes of the Tafisa Karisma collection? 

The Paper Wrap Reduces the Durability

Unlike the TFL or laminate wrap used by Olon Industries Inc., Tafisa uses a paper wrap. While this helps reduce the cost of their products, it also reduces the durability.

The Karisma collection has compromised scratch resistance, making the doors much easier to damage.

While this isn’t a concern once the cabinet doors have been installed in a normal-use environment, it can make installation tricky. Your team members must be careful not to scratch or otherwise damage the exterior of the Karisma doors.

The Reduced Minimum Order Quantity Increases the Price

Again, because Tafisa has aimed to make its products more accessible, they have had to increase the price. Their Karisma products cost approximately $5 more per square foot than comparable products.

While this might not seem like a lot of difference, every penny adds up when quoting for tight-budget products – what the NEXGEN products are ideal for. 

Each Colour Is Available in Each Profile

Tafisa Karisma has one major advantage over the other NEXGEN options out there. Each of their colours is available in each of their profiles.

Unlike comparable products from Olon, Uniboard and other Tafisa collections, the minimum order quantity does not prevent suppliers from making every option available.

Three NEXGEN cabinet doors - from left to right, a light brown, a grey, and a medium brown.

When You Should Offer Tafisa Karisma NEXGEN Cabinet Doors

The long and short of this is, Tafisa Karisma NEXGEN cabinet doors are not the right option for every customer.

The lower minimum order quantity, lower quality, and higher price make Tafisa Karisma products a less popular choice for tight-budget, high-volume projects. 

Again, the lower durability prevents the Tafisa Karisma product from working well in a high-wear area.

However, Tafisa Karisma might be what you need if your customer wants:

  • a less-expensive alternative to wood cabinet doors
  • doesn’t need a durable product, and
  • can’t find the options they want in another collection.

Learn About the Pros and Cons of NEXGEN Cabinet Doors

You can’t risk harming your reputation by offering a low-quality product as a one-size-fits-all solution. You need to take the time to ensure Tafisa Karisma is a product you and your customers can trust.

Now that Cutting Edge has guided you through the basics of the Tafisa Karisma product, it’s time for you to take the next step. Learn about the pros and cons of Tafisa Karisma NEXGEN cabinet doors.

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