Why Can't I Save My Cabinet Door Order on Cutting Edge?
Updated November 22, 2024
Struggling to save your online order? Follow our 6-step troubleshooting guide to resolve common issues and complete your cabinet door order.
More and more companies offer online ordering to save you time. However, it’s not always a perfect solution. You know this; in fact, you’re reading this article because you can’t save your order on our ordering platform.
Putting in all the effort to enter your order only to find you can’t save or submit it is frustrating, to say the least. First, know we are truly sorry you are experiencing this. We understand that this is a problem – that’s exactly why this article is here.
In this article, we’ll guide you through a 6-step process to troubleshoot your cabinet door order. If you can’t resolve the issue on your own, contact our team for immediate assistance.
Step 1: Check the Pop-up Notification
You might see one of two pop-up notifications when you click Save on your order.
If You See the Big Yellow Triangle…
This pop-up notification only asks you to review your order once more before saving it. This notification will appear when you have pieces that void the warranty or if there’s anything you should know about a product.
To clear this notification, click Review. Then, scroll through your order and read any of the yellow notes to ensure that you understand any warranty limitations. Once you’ve completed that, click Save again, and you’re good to go!
If You See the Big Red Triangle…
A pop-up notification like the screenshot below tells you that you have errors that prevent the system from saving your order.
Again, our team is here to help you at any time.
For immediate assistance, either:
- Use the chatbot at the bottom left-hand side to chat with one of our team members.
- Or call in to speak with a team member.
Step 2: Review the Black Sidebar
First, check the black sidebar on the right-hand side of the page. You need to include an order name, a shipping address, and a shipping method.
If you’re missing any of this information, fill it in and try saving your order again. If you still get the error notification, move on to the next step. If your order saves, you’re good to go.
Step 3: Scroll Through the Order
Now, let’s scroll through your order. You need to look for red notes, like the one shown below. Any red notes mean our system can’t accept that piece for some reason.
If you see a red note, read it. It will give you at least one way to correct the error. For example, you might need to increase the door size, choose a different outside profile, or adjust the stile and rail width.
Contact our team if you aren’t sure how to correct the piece to remove the red note.
Once you’ve taken care of all the red notes, try to save your order again. If it still won’t save, move on to the next step.
Step 4: Check for Any Entry Boxes Highlighted in Red
Once again, let’s scroll through your order – but this time, we are looking for any entry boxes highlighted in red.
The red highlighting appears on boxes with an invalid entry. Some examples of invalid entries are text instead of numbers, no decimal point, or a space.
The easiest way to fix this error is to click on that box and delete everything out of it. Then, try entering the number or text again.
Once you’ve cleared this error, try saving your order again to see if that fixes it.
Step 5: Check for Sections That Don’t Have Pricing
Now, we’re going to scroll through your cabinet door order again. This time, look for any sections where the prices are all $0.00.
If the pricing doesn’t automatically calculate, you’ve missed vital information.
If you find an unpriced section, check the finish type first. You can’t leave this option as -select one-. Do you want to finish your order yourself? Choose raw. Otherwise, choose from our standard finishes.
If you have a finish type chosen and the pricing is still blank, check the rest of the section to ensure you have information in all fields.
Once the pricing fills in, try saving your order again. If it still won’t save, move on to the last step.
Step 6: Check Each Section to Ensure You’ve Filled Out All Details
As one final effort, scroll through the order once more. This time, do a thorough double-check on all the sections. Make sure there are no blank options.
Once you are confident the order is complete, try saving the order one final time. If it still won’t save, it’s time for you to contact our team.
Contact Our Team for Help With Your Online Order
The purpose of online ordering is to save you time and money. However, every online ordering platform and system is different, and it takes time to learn the ins and outs.
At Cutting Edge, we understand the frustration you experience when your cabinet door order won’t save – and it’s our mission to ensure that this doesn’t happen. We want to make ordering as easy as possible.
So, now that you’ve completed the trouble-shooting checklist, your order has either been saved or is still throwing an error. Not all problems fall neatly into these six steps, which is why our team is always here to assist you. If you’re still stuck, contact our team now for more help.