Lead Time for 2-Piece MDF Cabinet Doors From Cutting Edge

Most 2-piece MDF cabinet doors from Cutting Edge ship within 7-10 working days; however, adding custom pieces or finishing can cause delays.

An island with white painted MDF cabinet doors and drawer fronts.
Image provided by Zak’s Home Building Centre, customer

You must complete your projects on time to maintain your reputation and stay in business. However, it’s not entirely up to you – your supplier can make or break your deadlines. That’s why you landed on this article. You need to purchase 2-piece MDF cabinet doors, but you also need to know how soon you will receive your order.

At Cutting Edge, we’ve produced custom cabinet doors for over 20 years and 2-piece MDF doors for over ten years. We understand that our reliability impacts your reputation – when we delay your orders, you end up with unhappy customers. That’s why we develop a standard lead time for each product line and figure out what can cause delays. 

In this article, you’ll learn:

Most 2-Piece MDF Cabinet Doors Ship Within 7-10 Working Days

Most of your orders of 2-piece MDF cabinet doors from Cutting Edge will ship within 7-10 working days. That lead time starts once you confirm and pay for your order and does not include weekends or statutory holidays.

However, you might wonder why most, not all, orders ship within that lead time.

A kitchen with painted MDF cabinet doors - white painted doors along the perimeter and blue painted cabinet doors on the island.
Image provided by Gateway Kitchen + Bath, customer

Three Factors Can Extend the Lead Time for 2-Piece MDF Doors

Here’s the thing – there are three factors, or things your order requires, that can lengthen that lead time: custom pieces, custom profiles, and finishing.

1. Custom Pieces

First up is custom pieces. These are things like decorative end panels, doors with X-details, or other feature items you include to make your kitchen designs stand out.

At Cutting Edge, we use a CNC router to machine your 2-piece MDF cabinet doors. This CNC is a complex machine that uses computer programs to tell it what to do. So, when you order a custom piece, our team has to create a new program. 

Depending on how complex your custom door is, your order might only take a day or two longer than usual. However, complex programs, or programs that don’t produce a high-quality result on the first attempt, can take longer.

Custom MDF cabinet doors, like the decorative four-panel piece on the back of this island, can extend your lead time.
Image provided by Su Casa Cabinets Inc., customer

2. Custom Profiles

Like custom pieces, custom profiles also require a new program. However, these requests are more complex. At Cutting Edge, we have standard programs set up. Over the years, we’ve optimized those programs to achieve the smoothest finish possible. 

When you request a new profile, you must provide a sample door, multiple pictures, or line drawings so our team can replicate the profile. If we have to order new cutters (the shaped blades that cut the profile), your new profile may take multiple weeks. 

In addition, our team has to create a sample door you can approve. During this stage, we optimize your program to achieve consistent, high-quality results.

Most custom programs take one or two weeks to complete. However, if your program requires new cutters, it can take up to six weeks.

3. Finishing

You may choose to add finishing to your order. Adding finishing means you want our team to paint the 2-piece MDF cabinet doors for you. 

Adding finishing will lengthen your lead time to 4-6 weeks.

Finished orders take longer because our team must:

  • Wait for the finishing materials to arrive,
  • Produce a finished sample for approval if required,
  • Finish your order and
  • Perform a second quality inspection.

At Cutting Edge, we consider all of these factors before you receive an estimated shipping date. However, problems can occur during production. 

A rack of finished MDF cabinet doors in Cutting Edge's spraybooth.

Three Problems May Delay Your 2-Piece MDF Cabinet Doors

At Cutting Edge, we ship around 90% of orders on the original shipping date. Not all orders make it, though – some problems can occur while your order is in production or before it goes into production.

1. Waiting For Confirmation Or Payment

As you already learned, Cutting Edge doesn’t provide an estimated shipping date until you have confirmed and paid for your order. However, our policy of waiting for confirmation and payment is sometimes a pain point. 

Unlike a door manufacturer that only produces standard sizes and profiles in a couple of finishes, we customize our cabinet doors to meet your requirements. So, if we make the cabinet doors and you change your mind at the last minute, we are stuck with doors we can’t reuse.

That’s why we need you to commit up-front by signing a confirmation and paying at least a 50% deposit.

However, you might not expect this. And even if you do, emails can get lost, meaning you may not realize our team still requires confirmation or payment. Plus, you’re busy, and emails might not be your top priority.

So, our team will contact you by phone within three working days if your order is still waiting for payment or confirmation.

A Cutting Edge employee sitting at her desk. Cutting Edge will contact you if your order is waiting for payment or confirmation.

2. Internal Remakes

The second cause of unexpected delays is internal remakes or replacements for defective pieces. Our team produces these internal remakes before you even see your order for the first time.

Typically, internal remakes are complete by your original shipping date. However, our team sometimes notices a defect at the last minute. In this case, we may delay your order by a day while we produce the replacement piece. This delay allows us to complete your shipment.

A variety of defective cabinet doors, awaiting replacement as internal remakes.

3. Machinery Problems

The third (and rarest) problem is machinery breakdowns. The machinery we use to produce cabinet doors is highly complex. Our team performs frequent maintenance to prevent breakdowns. 

Even then, some breakdowns still occur. Whenever possible, our team repairs the machines, limiting delays to one or two days. However, some repairs require new parts or the assistance of a qualified technician. 

Major breakdowns occur less than once a year and may delay your orders by up to three working days.

Now, what happens if Cutting Edge delays your order?

Cutting Edge uses a CNC router by Biesse to machine your MDF cabinet doors.

Cutting Edge Communicates Delays by Email

Our team begins assembling your orders at least 24 hours in advance. As long as there are no last-minute delays (caused by internal remakes), you will receive notification of delays 24 hours before your scheduled shipping date.

This notification comes by email and includes a new shipping date.

Two Ways To Get Your 2-Piece MDF Cabinet Doors Sooner

Now that you’ve learned what a standard lead time is and what can delay your orders, it’s time to look at the other side. How can you get your order of 2-piece MDF cabinet doors sooner? 

Your customers push the limits, trying to get their house or construction projects sooner. When you order from Cutting Edge, you have two ways to get your order quicker.

1. Place Your Order Online

You can place your order online. This option only saves one or two working days by cutting out several steps that our team completes over two or three working days. In addition, placing your order online removes the requirement for a signed confirmation – and the system will prompt you to pay for your order at that time.

Sometimes, this option will give you the extra time you need to meet your customer’s requirements. However, one to two working days might not be enough.

2. Request a Rush Order

So, you can request a rush order. This option cuts our lead time down to around five working days. 

You must provide our team with the day you want to receive your cabinet doors. We work it back using the average transit time to your location. That gives us a required shipping date.

We will discuss alternative options with you if that shipping date is unrealistic. But, most of the time, we can meet your requirements.

Your order will cost an extra 10% (or $25, whichever is greater) if we ship your order on time. However, we won’t charge you the rush fee if we miss your shipping date.

A kitchen with white painted MDF cabinet doors, brown wood-patterned flooring, and silver hardware.

Price Out Your 2-Piece MDF Cabinet Doors

As a contractor or cabinet maker, your profit margin depends on your reputation. A poor reputation means customers won’t order from you, regardless of your design quality. However, your reputation isn’t completely up to you – it relies on your supplier as well. Working with a reliable supplier will help you improve your reputation and grow your business.

Now that Cutting Edge has provided you with the lead time for 2-piece MDF cabinet doors and you understand what can cause delays, it’s time to take the next step. Learn how to get a quote online for instant, accurate pricing.

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